The Rise of the Golden Idol Receives DLC Roadmap
The excellent detective game that launched earlier this month, The Rise of the Golden Idol, has been given its very own DLC roadmap for 2025 from developer Color Gray Games. The additional content will come as part of what is called the ‘Detective Pass’ and will consist of four DLC packs that will be coming Q1-Q3 next year. These all promise to deliver more on the mysteriaes of the Golden Idol but the devs have graciously offered a more detailed description on the first piece of content titled ‘The Sins of New Wells’.
Image by Color Gray Games
Taken from the Steam page for the Detective Pass (which will set you back a generous £15 considering the decent chunk of content promised to come), the DLC has the following summary:
‘Follow Detective Roy Samson through four brand new cases of his dealings with an organized crime dyndicate plaguing the city. Drugs, death and ancient Lemurian magic will make headlines in the Sins of New Wells’
Without spoiling anything, the base game touched on these mysteries so it’ll be interesting to see a deeper delve into the darker supernatural elements of the story away from the more scientific turn it eventually took.
The first game in the series, The Case of the Golden Idol, also received its own DLC. These came in the form of two parts of an extended story telling the origin story of the titular idol. These were released as ‘The Spider of Lanka’ and ‘The Lemurian Vampire’ respectively. As you may expect, the difficulty was ramped up tremendously with these offerings to a delightful degree. Hopefully, the additional content for ‘Rise’ lives up to that expectation and increases the difficulty even further (while remaining fair of course) to create some of the most devilishly intricate puzzles in the series.
Image by Color Gray Games
If you haven’t yet, you can pick up The Rise of the Golden Idol now on all major consoles for around £17.00. There are some incredibly detailed mysteries to unravel in this release and, with a plot spanning and touching on each of the different mini stories, this remains one of the greatest modern detective games. Make sure to pick it up and, if you like it, maybe take a look at the DLC pass for all of the extra content coming next year.